Airline screening

W e are a little proud to be able to say that previous colleagues have been very satisfied with the assessment preparation with us.

If we are not available by phone, please write us an email and we will call you back immediately. info (at) .

Of course we do airwork, raw data SID, holding and approach with you and pay special attention to:

  • Pitch & Power skills
  • Wind Correction Angle [WCA]
  • Altitude & Track Compliance

Topics relating to the PANS-OPS and much more are included in the preparation at all times, both aeronautically and theoretically.

Through the testimonials of many successful clients, colleagues and acquaintances, we have a lot of experience regarding the process and requirements.

For concentration purposes , these sessions should always be conducted 1:1 (2:1 if you already know your screening partner). And there is always a detailed briefing and debriefing included. Theory topics according to the EASA ATPL theory syllabus can of course be discussed at any time.

As our preparation for your screening can usually vary in scope depending on your skills and your own ambition, simply contact us by phone or email. We will then make you a program tailored to your needs, whether one or ten hours.

Some, if not most screenings are carried out in German-speaking countries and beyond on simulators of the B737 fleet, or at least the Boeing fleet.
Our experience has shown that preparation for screenings on the 757 in our simulator also bears fruit.

The cost per hour is 179 euros incl. VAT, payment on account (bank transfer, PayPal or card payment/cash on site). Appointments are possible at any time at short notice!

We look forward to helping you.